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Day 13 – Through Nevada

Wendover had surprised us the night before. It was like a mini Vegas. It’s where you’d go if you wanted Vegas but more low key. Its calmer and quiter.

Marco had left his battery charging the night before and after testing that his bike would run using my battery he re-installed his battery. By the time his bike was all strapped and ready it was past noon so we go over to the Salt Flats Cafe to get some food before heading out onto the Salt Flats with our bikes. We quickly finish our meals and go onto one of Marco’s most anticipated parts of this trip. 

We ride out onto the Salt Flats and find a nice and isolated area. We unload our bikes and begin our collection of footage and photographs. About 3 hours go by until we are all finished and ready to set back out on the road. We prep our bikes and head out. 

After some bike cleaning and gas tank filling we get on the road to try and get as far out to Nevada as possible. It’s already late but some miles are better than no miles. We’re out on the road for about another 70 miles when Marco’s bike does the same thing it did the day before. We know what the issue is so we strap his and Gomes bike again and ride to the next town which is about 40 miles away. It’s not fun breaking down in the middle of nowhere.
We finally arrive in Elko, Nevada about an hour later and after Marco runs to the auto parts store on my bike, we set his battery charging and try to catch up on our blogging. Tomorrow morning Marco will have some more work to do before we head out on the road. We’ll try to make it to the BMW shop in Sparks, maybe they can point us to the problem.

Published in 6 On Asphalt