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Day 16 – The “Fake” Redwoods

We were out the door in good time today because we left our bags at Mark’s house while we rode up to the Redwoods. We go up 101 past San Francisco and catch 1 north towards Muir Beach. The road was a fun drive as it was full of curves. Upon arrival to Muir Beach we find out that it’s another 2 hour ride north to get to the redwoods but we can just go to the Muir Woods where they also have a nice collection of them. Due to time constraints we decide to settle on Muir Woods and take the 10 minute ride to that instead. We hung out and walked around for about an hour in amazement of these really tall trees that towered us. Each one seemed to reach higher than the next.

After getting done with our nature visit we head back to San Francisco the same way we came. Our next stop is at Battery Spencer which is right before the Golden Gate Bridge when traveling south. We stop there for a few minutes to snap some photos and bask in the moment. Time to meet up with Mark for a late lunch at this point so we head towards Fisherman’s Warf in San Francisco to grab some clam chowder.


When we pull up to our parking area there were a few other motorcycles parked and some of the riders nearby. They looked intimidating so we just rolled up and tried to be cool. One of the guys was intrigued by the antlers on Gomes’ bike and proceeded to snap a pic of Gomes and his steed. We then got to talking and we shared our story with him. Turns out he’s a real nice guy after all. He said he went by El Cucuy or the Boogeyman in Spanish. He introduces us to his brother as well and shares his admiration for the trip we are doing. He tells us he would love to do that someday and we encourage him to go for it.


Mark finally shows up and we head across the street to get some clam chowder which we all enjoyed. During lunch Marco receives a call from a gentlemen that had helped him on the road previously and Marco shares his new battery troubles with him. With Marco’s permission, he posts the issue on a forum aimed for BMW motorcyclists in the Northern California area. We were about to order dessert when Mark suggests we go to his favorite ice creamery, Humphry Slocombe. We tell him we’ll meet him there and get on the bikes. As we are ready to go Marco’s bike fails to start again, the battery has run low once more. Gomes and I give him a push and he pops it into gear. He tells us he’s going to the battery store to buy a charger and then heading back to Mark’s. Unwillingly we agree and follow him to the battery store before sending him on his way.

As Marco heads back, Gomes and I meet with Mark for a quick ice cream and boy was it delicious. If you’re ever in the area you need to check the place out. They have different homemade ice cream every few weeks. After our ice cream we head back to Mark’s house and find Marco on the phone running tests on his bike. The post on the forum has reached many people and now Marco’s phone does not stop buzzing. We are in awe and extremely thankful for the out pour of help from everyone trying to get us back on the road. We are obviously not going anywhere else today and so we decide to stay another night. In the meantime Marco gets on the phone with a gentleman named Greg who owns a garage in Redwood City. Greg is older than us and has what seems like unlimited knowledge about BMW motorcycles. He towed Marco and his bike over to his garage and Gomes and I ride over to meet up with them.


When we arrive we are amazed by the garage. It’s more like a shop replete with bikes and extra parts for almost any BMW motorcycle. He has some bikes sitting in the shop that he’s working on. Some are projects and others need to be finished for customers. Greg tell us that this is his hobby and that he’s a software consultant. We have a hard time believing him based on what we see and his skill on BMW bikes but it’s the truth. I explore his garage and come across some certificates from BMW acknowledging his miles. He’s got 5 of them. 100K miles, 200K, 300K, 400K and the mother load, 500K miles. Greg has ridden over half a million miles on his motorcycles. Achievements unlocked!


After trying a few things with no success he sends us on our way and asks us to return in the morning. We get back to Mark’s and plan our day for tomorrow. Tomorrow is Monday and Mark will be at Evernote, where he works. He invites us over for lunch and a tour. We accept since we will be around.

Published in 6 On Asphalt


  1. Hermengardo Hermengardo

    Um abraço daqui, de Leça da Palmeira, perto do Porto. Um dos meus maiores sonhos seria fazer uma viagem como a vossa!! Tenho uma BMW K 1100 Rs mas Portugal é muito pequeno. Difícil é arranjar bons colegas para fazer uma aventura deste tipo, parabéns e boas curvas!!!

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