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Day 17 – A Permanent Fix

Marco woke up earlier then Gomes and I, something that has become normal in our daily routines, so that he could head over to Greg’s garage. He takes my bike so that Gomes and I can meet him at the shop later.

I wake up to a work emergency, one of the servers is down. Luckily I’m in a good place where I can take the time to work on this. I remote into it and after a power reset the thing is alive and working. Problem averted. Just as I wrap up with that Marco calls asking us to head over as his bike is fixed. In less than 24 hours, Greg has fixed Marco’s bike. We can now set back out on the road with piece of mind.


Gomes and I get over and we’re told that the rotor was bad and needed replacing. The starter was on it’s way out so it was also replaced and while working on the bike one of the coils cracked and the Electronic Ignition System fries again. The coil is replaced and the Ignition System is reverted back to the old points system. Had we known the Electronic Ignition wasn’t needed we probably could’ve saved us some time and headaches back in Utah. At least we got to meet Patrick so it was worth it. After chatting with Greg for a bit and getting some info on which routes to take he sends us on our ways. He also mentions some cool places to ride on the East Coast since he has a house in North Carolina that he visits often.

At this point it’s almost noon and we head over to Evernote to meet with Mark. After a delicious lunch and chatting up some fellow coworkers of Mark’s we get a tour. Evernote shares in the new age corporate America culture. The offices are modern and simplistic, employees are happy and it seems like a great place to work at.

We had planed to leave this afternoon but looking at the time when we get back to Mark’s house to grab our things we realize that we’d only ride for about an hour or two before stopping for the night. We stay at Mark’s house one more night.

After coming home from work he takes us out to a restaurant that makes their own Pastrami and we overdose on their pastrami sandwiches and bread pudding. We then head out for a drink and eventually back to Mark’s to call it a night. Tomorrow we leave for sure. We will head down the Pacific Coast Highway finally.

Published in 6 On Asphalt


  1. Glenn Glenn

    Your blog is riveting and it’s getting me through the longest operation in history. I work in a surgery in the SF Bay Area, and my small but vital contribution takes 15 minites of every hour. So I get 45 minutes to live your road trip by proxy.
    There’s an old Honda ad slogan: “you meet the nicest people!” And so you have. When you’ve been at your lowest, when you’re cursing a dying battery or a lost cover or been stranded in the desert wastes, some stranger steps up and helps out.
    And that is some takeaway.

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