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Day 20 – The Desert Begins

This morning Gomes had to run somewhere in LA to drop off a Go Pro. We woke up a little later than usual so while Gomes went to drop off the Go Pro, Marco and I put together some content and caught up on some work. It was around noon when we finally left LA. Took us some time to get out of the city due to all the traffic.

At one point, while in traffic, we decide to move to the HOV lane since we found out bikes could ride on that lane and it was obviously flowing smoother. I signal to Gomes to switch lane and am looking in my rear-view to see him make the change so I could go. He moves and as I’m ready to take off into that lane the car in front of me slams on the breaks. I’m already on the left side of my lane when I realize I wont make the lane change and stay in my lane and hit the brakes to slow down. Marco doesn’t have enough time to react and tried to swerve around me into the HOV lane but doesn’t have enough clearance and hits me with the tools box on his highway bars. Wow, it hurt! I quickly speed up to get to Gomes who was in the front so I can signal to pull over so I can inspect my foot. We pull over and although my foot is hurting I am able to stand and walk on it. I press around it and try to move and to make sure there is no serious damage. It seems that it’s only a bruise so we get back on the bikes after a few minutes and continue on. Later tonight I’ll ice it and take another look at it.

The rest of the day was fairly smooth sailing were it not for the heat. We hit the Mojave Desert and even while riding without a jacket on it’s still hot.

We had wanted to make it as far out of California as we could so we had a shorter ride to the Grand Canyon the next day. We got to Needles at about 8:30-9pm and settle in. Even at this time the heat was still being felt. I asked a gentleman if it gets cooler than this and he says, this is actually cool. Normally its around 100 and during the day can reach the 100 and teens. I just hope were out of this area tomorrow before those kinds of temperatures hit us.

I ice my ankle, we get some work done and then get ready for tomorrow’s trek.

Published in 6 On Asphalt

One Comment

  1. Steve Clark 1982 Silverwing Interstate Steve Clark 1982 Silverwing Interstate

    Been there ,the desert , ride at night sleep all day in a air conditioned motel room

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